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Little Lagoon Preservation Society

2117 Observations
0 Issues
50 Locations


Dennis Hatfield
17380 Points
Lloyd Moore
9090 Points
Landon Dyken
610 Points
View all members


In late 1991 a new association was formed to help insure that the quality of water and recreational opportunities are maintained and improved on and around the Little Lagoon in Gulf Shores. Today the rapidly growing organization includes nearly 300 family memberships.

The organization, called the Little Lagoon Preservation Society, is open to all who enjoy and appreciate the Little Lagoon, including property owners, area residents and vacationers

There are so many people who love all the things the Lagoon has to offer. By joining together we’re in a better position to achieve results that are in the best interest of the Little Lagoon.

Water testing protocol

We sample surface waters at five sites in Little Lagoon every two weeks and measure WT, AT, Salinity, Ph, DO, and secchi depth. A YSI 556 multi meter is used for all but the secchi reading and AT. We record observed weather and tide information at the time data is collected. We collect a 1ml bacteria sample for E-coli and general coliform counts using coliscan EZ gel growth medium and agar coated plates. We collect a phytoplankton sample by filtering a known volume of water (usually 15L) thru a 10 nM mesh phytoplankton tow net. We use an Omano research grade microscope and count phytoplankton at 400X. A Palmer cell counting method is used for population estimates. We are lab capable of filtering water for nutrient analysis and are not doing so now but have done so within the last several years and our DB has considerable nutrient data for the past 9 years.

Areas monitored

PO Box 3193
Gulf Shores, AL
United States