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780 Points
The Pang is a Chalk Stream and tributary to the Thames at Pangbourne. Testing is performed by trained volunteers fortnightly at 5 locations, led and supported by Action for the River Kennet.
Water testing protocol
HI-98312 EC, TDS and Temperature Tester, High Range (
Water temperature (˚C)
Total dissolved solids (ppm)
Conductivity (µS/cm)
HI-3874 Nitrate test kit (
Nitrate (mg/L)
Readings are given in Nitrogen-Nitrate (mg/l)
Method Colorimetric
Range 0-50 mg/L
Smallest Increment 10 mg/L
Chemical Method Cadmium reduction
HI-713 Low Range Phosphate Checker for Saltwater and Freshwater Aquariums | Hanna Instruments UK
Phosphate (mg/L)
Adaptation of Standard Methods for the Examination of water and wastewater. 20th edition, Ascorbic Acid method. The reaction between phosphate and the reagent causes a blue tint in the sample.
HI-700 Ammonia Low Range Colorimeter - Checker HC (0.00 to 3.00ppm) (
Ammonia (mg/L)
Range 0.00 to 3.00 ppm NH3 -N
Resolution 0.01 ppm
Accuracy ±0.05 ppm ±5% of reading @25 °C/77 °F
Light Source Light Emitting Diode @470 nm
Light Detector Silicon Photocell Method Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1426, Nessler Method.
HI-98103 Pocket Checker pH Tester (
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L)
Fisherbrand Traceable Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter Pens Dissolved 0xygen | Fisher Scientific
E.coli Dipslide: Plate Count (PCA) + MacConkey 3 (with MUG) Dipslides (Box of 10) (
Total viable count (cfu/ml)
Total coliforms (cfu/ml)
Escherichia coli (cfu/ml)