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ACAP Saint John is a community-based, non-profit organization that encourages communication, partnership and active involvement from all sectors of the Saint John community in managing our local environment. ACAP was formed in 1992 as one of thirteen environmental “hot spots” in Atlantic Canada. The two primary goals of ACAP are to work with the community to improve the environmental health and integrity of the Saint John Harbour and its estuaries, and to respond to the growing demand from the community to have a more active role in environmental decision-making.
ACAP’s greatest accomplishments have resulted from our ability to form strong and meaningful partnerships within the community. Our Board of Directors includes representatives from academia, industry, business, other NGO’s, and citizens at large. ACAP has conducted successful in-school environmental education programs, summer camps, ecological inventories, water quality monitoring programs, beach and creek clean-ups and climate change adaptation studies. ACAP has also produced and maintained comprehensive watershed management plans for the Marsh Creek, Little River, and Alder Brook watersheds. ACAP Saint John has a solid reputation in the community for acting as a third- party mediator on contentious environmental issues, and we will continue to expand our role as a public source of knowledge and information dissemination.
At its heart, ACAP has always been an environmental incubator, one that transforms and evolves our region’s landscapes with the help of governments, companies and community collaborators. Our work is designed be seen, felt and experienced throughout the environment – from our wetlands and coastlines to our streets and public spaces.
Areas monitored:
Greater Saint John,
Bay of Fundy,
New Brunswick
Areas monitored
ACAP Saint John
139 Prince Edward Street, Suite 323
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
E2L 3S3