Lower Coldwater Creek Case Rd : Coldwater Creek
Rankin Location Indian Reserve 15d, Ontario, Canada

- Observed on: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 10:10:00 -0400
- Testers Kiki
Associated with:
NORDIK Institute/SSMRCA : Sault Ste. Marie Water Rangers Team - Lat: 46.5646992
- Lng: -84.2689991
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
Pending Quality Check from Water Rangers What's this?
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"There was a beautiful heron that was approx 50 feet upstream from the site, it flew away- scared me as it was so big. Unidentifiable.
The dammed area in the culvert has been taken over by a beaver - look at photos. it has changed the flow and level of the water at the sample site- see pictures of dam overflow and water level at the culvert. .44m looked at past photos for comparison.
There was brown algae- diatoms present- no sign of any long threaded algae in the deep part of the pool must have washed away or died."
be careful if you walk down the boulder hill or the overgrown vegetation both paths have a variety of safety concerns- footing is unstable or unlevel