Lower Coldwater Creek Case Rd : Coldwater Creek
Rankin Location Indian Reserve 15d, Ontario, Canada

- Observed on: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 14:06:00 -0400
- Testers Kiki
Associated with:
NORDIK Institute/SSMRCA : Sault Ste. Marie Water Rangers Team - Lat: 46.5646992
- Lng: -84.2689991
Observation report
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Pending Quality Check from Water Rangers What's this?
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There is no ball to measure discharge, the bank's full width will not change for this site because of the riprap barrier.
The other site of the culvert is a sand-dominant substrate, possibly from the road sand they use in the winter. Does not appear to have a natural substrate. Never seen fish here. The culvert is new but fast-flowing. Fish may not be able to pass these areas.
The water was higher than my last visit. No beaver dam present any longer or sign of beaver. The vegetation is so overgrown on the walk to the creek. It’s a floral wonderland. The overflow on the left bank had stagnant water in it. The riparian barrier on the right bank was almost submerged, showing the water level.