pH (0-14)
What's this?
Snake River at Hwy 41 - Site ID - SNR-01 : Snake River
Ontario, Canada

Observed by
Jennifer Valentine
- Observed on: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 12:50:00 -0400
Associated with:
Protect Our Waters - Lat: 45.6114858
- Lng: -76.9964361
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
Pending Quality Check from Water Rangers What's this?
Dissolved oxygen mg/L
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Conductivity μS/cm
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Air temperature °C
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Water temperature °C
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Latest photos
No photos uploaded.
Mink Creek at Cobden Road.
Samples taken by the MOECC and uploaded to add a baseline.
Macrophyte 5%, Periphyton (1-5) : 1
Water level 60.5cm
Wind 5km W, Cloud cover 5%, Sunny, fish, gloeotrichia present in samples.
345399 E, 5047908 N - NTUs
Station data record