Britannia Bay Long Rock Point : Ottawa River
Aylmer, Ontario, Canada

Observed by
Justin Langille
- Observed on: Fri, 09 Jun 2017 17:27:00 -0400
Associated with:
Ottawa Riverkeeper : Riverwatch - Lat: 45.3649
- Lng: -75.8075
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
Pending Quality Check from Water Rangers What's this?
pH (0-14)
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Secchi depth m
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bottom visible
Hardness mg/L
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Alkalinity mg/L
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Conductivity μS/cm
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Air temperature °C
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Water temperature °C
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Latest photos
Water has receded significantly from flood height, by 10-15 ft and 5-6 depth, see pictures May 06 vs June 09. Water still 4 feet higher than usual or so, shoreline still expanded. Three men fishing, many people visiting the rock point. Men caught three fish, "white fish" and catfish. Spider webs visible, large insect like a grasshopper I'm not familiar with. One person fishing said an eel was caught there last year, reported to the Ministry. Kayakers visible and seagulls.