Lake Killarney outlet dam (Cary, IL, 60013) : Lake Killarney outlet dam (Cary, IL, 60013)
Cary, Illinois, United States

- Observed on: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 15:15:00 -0600
- Testers Eberhard Veit
Associated with:
National Great Rivers : Winter Chloride Watch - Lat: 42.2364979
- Lng: -88.2551875
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
Pending Quality Check from Water Rangers What's this?
Since: 2024-12-20
Latest photos
- Lake is frozen but outlet is free flowing
- As Lake Chloride was so high in November,
I tested several inflows to the lake, and they all tested higher
than the lake, even before any snow fall and road salt.
- Even my well water at the house tested higher than the lake.
- If the ground water Cl- is above the lake that explains lake Cl-
- In addition, all our septic systems and softener water goes to the lake
- Data available upon request.
- See attached picture of Veit well readings.
- Even the inflow from the Hollows Conservation Area is higher.
- See attached Hollows readings
- As a Q/C check I tested a strip on Chloride free bottled water
and it did read Zero.