Lower Coldwater Creek Case Rd : Coldwater Creek
Rankin Location Indian Reserve 15d, Ontario, Canada

- Observed on: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:01:00 -0400
- Testers Kiki, Jay
Associated with:
NORDIK Institute/SSMRCA : Sault Ste. Marie Water Rangers Team - Lat: 46.5646992
- Lng: -84.2689991
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Dam is bigger. After the rain at the beginning of last monitoring day, the beaver has been active and reformed the dam. There is water flowing on the other side of the culvert but the water level is higher than it has ever been, due to the beaver dam in the culvert. Be careful of uneven ground. The creek is flooded so there is excess water and less room to work in. The vegetation is now closer to waters edge. The beaver has been very busy at this culvert once again.