Kopps Kove

Turtle Lake

Saskatchewan, Canada

Location created by
Shannon Armstrong

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Turtle Lake : Kopps Kove

Observed on

Greenish, cloudy water.

Turtle Lake : Kopps Kove

Observed on

Water is very clear. Boats and docks are all off the beach. Lots of minnows seen.

Turtle Lake : Kopps Kove

Observed on

Windy and wavy. Saw a hawk flying over with a fish. Lake is slightly green. Water levels have g...

Turtle Lake : Kopps Kove

Observed on

Nice sunny day but wavy. Green algae present. Little water bugs on top of the water.

Turtle Lake : Kopps Kove

Observed on

Significant green algae “blobs” through the lake and washing up on shore.

Turtle Lake : Kopps Kove

Observed on

Nice calm evening after a day of thundershowers and rain. Sample taken approx 16 m off shore from...