Little Lagoon NE

Little Lagoon

Gulf Shores, Alabama, United States

Site 2 pier is the Hatfield waterfront on Little Lagoon. We are NE of Lagoon pass and this Site tends to be saltier than Site 1, with occasionally high but overall lower bacteria counts than Site 1, with occasionally very high freshwater/groundwater/nutrient inputs, and with very dense Spring and Fall Diatom blooms.

Location created by
Dennis Hatfield

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15L, King Tides plus high tides from Idalia + 1.5', COLIFORMS WERE TNTC, Degraded Filamentous algae - P, Unk opaque 35,000, C&C - P, Ciliate 35,000, Tiny cyanos - P, Sunny, 0-5 N, Bar. 756.4, Incoming tide

31 Aug 08:05 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Degraded filamentous algae - P, Unk dino 35,000 gymno?, Unk 35,000 heterisigma, C&C - P, Tiny cyanos - P, Sunny, 0-5 N, Bar. 760.5, Incoming tide

19 Aug 08:02 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Secchi on bottom, Unk 70,000 dino?, Unk opaque 35,000, Degraded filamentous algae - P, C&C - P, Tintinid 35,000, Tiny cyanos - P, Sunny, 0-5 E, Bar. 762.5, Incoming tide

03 Aug 08:06 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Unk opaque 35,000, Unk zoo 35,000, Raphid 35,000. C&C - P, Oyster larvae 35,000, Ciliate 35,000, Tiny cyanos - P, Partly cloudy, 5-10 W, Bar. 759.1, Incoming tide

22 Jul 08:03 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Unk opaque 35,000, Unk dino 35,000 Akashiwo? Degraded filamentous algae - P, C&C - P, Tintinid 35,000, Nauplius 35,000, *Tintinid grazing on nauplius, Tiny cyanos - P, Partly cloudy, 0-5 N,. Bar. 761.8, Incoming tide

06 Jul 08:00 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Unk opaque 105,000, C&C - P, Tiny cyanos - P, Sunny, 10-15 SW, Bar. 759.0, Incoming tide

17 Jun 08:00 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Secchi on bottom, Unk 35,000, Unk opaque 70,000, C&C- P, Star fish 35,000, Ciliate 35,000, Tiny cyanos - P, Partly cloudy, 5-10 E, Bar. 759.1, Incoming tide

01 Jun 08:00 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Unk dino 35,000, Degraded Filamentous algae - P, C&C - P, Ciliate 35,000, Tiny cyanos - :P, Partly cloudy, 5-10 SE, Bar. 762.3, Incoming tide

20 May 09:08 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Secchi on bottom, Unk zoo 35,000, Unk diatom 35,000, C&C - P, Raphid 35,000, Tiny cyanos - P, Sunny, 5-10 E, Bar. 761.1, Incoming tide

04 May 09:00 by Lloyd Moore

15L, Secchi on bottom, C&C - P, Ciliate 35,000, Pine pollen 35,000, Tiny cyanos - P, Mostly cloudy, 5-10 N, Bar. 761.5, Incoming tide

15 Apr 09:05 by Lloyd Moore