Larder Lake Marina

Larder Lake

Ontario, Canada

End of the small dock at the Larder Lake Marina in the town of Larder Lake, beside the boat launch.

Location created by
Don Ross

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No rainfall in past 24 hrs. Very foggy now.....can see only partly across the lake. Over half the ice is off the lake. Loons and beavers and lots of crows & seagulls. Summer dock not installed yet so tested at end of permanent pier.

15 May 10:30 by Heather Ross

Canada Geese, ducks, seagulls and crows on and around the lake here. Fisherman at the end of the pier.

09 Sep 19:45 by Don Ross

Partly cloudy with fairly strong winds and some chop on the water surface. No rainfall in past 24 hours. Loon fishing not far away from the summer dock where we are testing and seagulls around on the beach mainly.

22 Jul 11:35 by Don Ross

No Rain in past 24 hours. Sunny, humid and few clouds forming. Medium winds with small ripples on the lake. Large flocks of geese and seagulls in the water and beach area. Fisherman on the marina dock and couple bringing in their pontoon boat to the dock so we helped them get it onto their trailer.

17 Sep 15:30 by Don Ross

Sunny and calm tonight with loons calling but not able to see them. Light chop on the water. Big fishing derby here tomorrow so lake will be busy. Has been some rain over past 24 hours.

01 Jun 20:05 by Heather Ross

Overcast morning with calm water and no wind. Has been several inches of snow during past 24 hours. Family of 4 loons still swimming and fishing in the open water nearby....tough birds! Summer dock had been removed so tests done at end of the pier instead. Ice beginning to form along the shore and most of the lake still open water for now.

27 Nov 03:30 by Don Ross

Some rainfall in past 24 hours and moderately windy. Sunny day . 2 fishermen launching their boat at the dock . No wildlife visible at the moment, but normally see loons, ducks and seagulls in this area during the day.

03 Jul 09:50 by Don Ross