Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake

Cherry Valley, Ontario, Canada

Slow moving creek that feeds into the SE end of East Lake in Cherry Valley. It is an area of marshland but water here is deep enough for a public boat launch and dock where we do our testing. It is known at the Lions Memorial Park. Water feeding this small creek / river comes from a great distance across the southern end of Prince Edward County, enter East Lake which then flows out into Lake Ontario via the Outlet River at Sandbanks Provincial Park at the western end of East Lake.

Location created by
Don Ross

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Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

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No rainfall in past 24 hrs. 2 white swans flying overhead as we arrived heading out into East Lak...

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Observed on

No rainfall in past 24 hours, Sunny and calm day . Some small birds flying overhead. Water is cal...

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Observed on

No Rainfall past 24 hours. Sunny, humid and calm winds. Lots of small fish swimming in the water...

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Observed on

No rainfall in past 24 hours. Sunny with mild breeze. No current on creek. Many monarchs and othe...

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Observed on

Small amt of rain in past 24 hours....just a few MM. Overcast and medium winds. Can hear some bir...

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Observed on

Sunny, calm and chilly day. No rain or snow in past 24 hours. Bit of ice and snow still along the...

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Observed on

Ice no longer on the river feeding into East Lake where we do our testing and is running clearly,...

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Observed on

No rainfall in past 24 hours. Overcast and calm current on the river.Can hear some sm...

Tributary entering SE End of East Lake : Cherry Valley Lions Memorial Park Boat Launch Dock

Observed on

Sunny , calm evening. Minimal rainfall over past few weeks. Can hear lots of crickets chirping an...