Issue report

Water quality

Theodore, Alabama, United States

Reported by:
Jenni Zimlich

About this Location

Fowl River : Starts near bridge by Memories on Fowl River rd

Water is moving due to high rain volume.
1 Observations
1 Issues
We noticed the water was getting more and more muddy as we navigated north on fowl river towards memories fish camp on fowl river rd. there were several areas of sharp contrast of muddy water and dark water.

Heavy rain today

Have you seen this before?


Have you notified any other agencies?


Issue history

  • 2017-07-23 - 17:00:00

    Water quality reported to Mobile Baykeeper : Mobile Baykeeper Team by Jenni Zimlich.

  • 2017-07-23 - 20:20:00

    Cade Kistler accepted this issue. Awaiting investigation.

    Wow those photos look bad. I'll follow up with you tomorrow. Thanks for reporting!!

  • 2017-07-24 - 14:29:00

    Cade Kistler is currently investigating this issue.

    We have submitted to ADEM and will be conducting an investigation of the Muddy Creek watershed to attempt to identify potential sources. A preliminary review points to the possibility of agriculture or unpaved roads being potential sources.

  • 2017-07-26 - 09:03:00

    Cade Kistler has closed this issue.

    Turbidity had decreased substantially but was still elevated. No clear evidence of any major source was identified. As can best be determined right now it appears the issue resulted from erosion occurring on agricultural fields, timber operations and dirt roads. We will continue to monitor the watershed during rain events to see if any other sources are identified. We will also investigate available programs aimed at reducing this type of non-point source pollution. A picture of the contributing watershed is attached.