Middleburg, Florida, United States

- Reported on: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 10:21:00 -0400
- Reported to: St. Johns Riverkeeper : St. Johns Riverkeeper team
- Lat: 30.1049646
- Lng: -81.7589879
About this Location
Doctors Lake : Doctors Lake off of Nautilus Rd
Most likely recent summer rains
Have you seen this before?Yes, a few weeks
Have you notified any other agencies?Yes, FDEP
Issue history
2017-07-14 - 10:21:00
Algae reported to St. Johns Riverkeeper : St. Johns Riverkeeper team by Justina Dacey.
2017-07-15 - 10:29:00
Justina Dacey is currently investigating this issue.
Bloom was reported to the FDEP Algal Bloom Reporting website http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2877729/AlgalReportForm
2017-07-19 - 10:32:00
Justina Dacey has marked this issue as resolved.
On 7/12/2017 at 1:25pm St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) went out and took a surface grab at 0.3 meters of the bloom (Latitude 30.1053 Longitude -81.7594). Algae was identified by FDEP & toxin analysis performed by Greenwater Laboratories. Results confirmed the dominant taxon: Microcystis aeruginosa Total Microcystin Toxin (micrograms/L) 3.40 Other Toxin (micrograms/L) Cylindrospermopsin: not detected Saxitoxin/Paralytic Shellfish Toxins: not detected Anatoxin-a: not detected Location: