Jacksonville, Florida, United States
- Reported on: Sun, 04 Jun 2017 12:30:00 -0400
- Reported to: St. Johns Riverkeeper : St. Johns Riverkeeper team
- Lat: 30.2721144
- Lng: -81.7159867
About this Location
Ortega River : Ortega River
Lots of trash, tires, etc. in the water & on shore.some storms
Have you seen this before?not seen before
Have you notified any other agencies?I used the MyJax app to report blight
Issue history
2017-06-04 - 12:30:00
Pollution reported to St. Johns Riverkeeper : St. Johns Riverkeeper team by Jonathon R Addington.
2017-06-05 - 09:50:00
Justina Dacey accepted this issue. Awaiting investigation.
Thanks Jonathon for reporting. Is it possible to pick up the trash by land or you definitely need a boat?