Fleming Island, Florida, United States

- Reported on: Fri, 19 May 2017 19:30:00 -0400
- Reported to: St. Johns Riverkeeper : St. Johns Riverkeeper team
- Lat: 30.132657
- Lng: -81.7327881
About this Location
Doctors Lake : Lake of St. Johns River
No rain, currently in a drought
Have you seen this before?Yes, every summer
Have you notified any other agencies?FDEP Algal Hotline & SJRWMD
Issue history
2017-05-19 - 19:30:00
Algae reported to St. Johns Riverkeeper : St. Johns Riverkeeper team by Justina Dacey.
2017-05-19 - 20:01:00
Justina Dacey is currently investigating this issue.
Ray Whaley will be taking aerial drone footage first thing in the morning to determine if the bloom is still present.