Jacksonville, Florida, United States

- Reported on: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 09:00:00 -0400
- Reported to: St. Johns Riverkeeper : St. Johns Riverkeeper team
- Lat: 30.1677962
- Lng: -81.6031208
About this Location
Retention pond : Behind Lowes
Rebuilding an old retention pond for I-295 widening.No rain recently
Have you seen this before?No
Have you notified any other agencies?FDEP, SJRWMD, COJ
Issue history
2017-04-20 - 11:00:00
Justina Dacey is currently investigating this issue.
River Patrol volunteer Lowell Stephens visited the site to take photos and FDEP, SJRWMD and the COJ were notified.
2017-04-21 - 09:00:00
Shoreline reported to St. Johns Riverkeeper : St. Johns Riverkeeper team by Justina Dacey.
2017-05-09 - 14:20:00
Justina Dacey has marked this issue as resolved.
Lisa Rinaman spoke with Erick Revuelta, Compliance Coordinator with the SJRWMD. He reports that the contractor did hit the water table and had to dewater the site which they are allowed to do up to 30 days without a permit. Recently, the contractor pulled a permit that will allow them to dewater up to 190 days as long as they have the appropriate sedimentation/turbidity controls. River Patrol member Lowell Stephens lives in the area and will drop by regularly to inspect.