Issue report


Milford, Ontario, Canada

Reported by:
Don Ross

About this Location

Natural watercourse that has no specific name : Small stream that flows across farm fields under culvert on County Road 10 just north of Royal St

Due to spring rainfall there is a fair amount of water currently flowing across the fields and this stream is moving slowly under the roadway and a...
2 Observations
1 Issues
Garbage of all sorts, but none toxic in nature, found alongside this watercourse and cleaned up during our earth day trash bash efforts.


Have you seen this before?

Yes, far too frequently. We walk this roadway often on our daily walks and garbage dumping in the ditches is a common sight. Not always this close to the stream or as much garbage though as we found today.

Have you notified any other agencies?

This was Earth Day Trash Bash cleanup day in PEC so we picked up everything that was there and had conversation with the County officials about the waste we brought to the central depot. There was a newspaper reporter with us at the time who had stopped to interview us so made a point of showing them this site and shared our concerns about the negative effects of such behaviour by people who would do this sort of thing.

Issue history