Issue report


London, Bromley, United Kingdom

Reported by:
Kirsty Blackman

About this Location

Kyd Brook : Kyd Brook S.W.O downstream

This part of Kyd Brook runs within Crofton Wood near the wooden bridge that crosses Kyd Brook, which is near Eynesford recreation ground. It genera...
42 Observations
1 Issues


Known s.w.o that has a known problem with pollution entering kyd brook, looks like detergent probably a missed connection. has been reported to thames water, ref 00619975. i have been contacted by thames water and they have got all the details.


Have you seen this before?

Periodically since starting water testing.

Have you notified any other agencies?

Yes but can not remember when, sorry.


Current weather What's this?
  • sunny
  • cloudy
9°c bright, and cold
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • rainy

Issue history