Issue report


London, Ontario, Canada

About this Location

West Marsh Boardwalk Site 1- Westminster Ponds ESA (adjacent to Wellington Road) : Buffer West Marsh Boardwalk

This marsh lies just east of Wellington Road - a High Speed North - South Corridor road that experiences high rates of traffic throughout the day. ...
7 Observations
1 Issues


Gypsy moths noted flying everywhere in large numbers. the hardwood trees in this forest will be experiencing their 3rd hard season of gyspy moths next spring. concerned this cycle is shortening due to climate change. the oaks, cherry, and hickory in the area have been hit hard.


Have you seen this before?

Yes - previous 2 winters.

Have you notified any other agencies?

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority - is aware and scrape egg sacks when they can.


Current weather What's this?
  • sunny
  • cloudy
Overcast / Spitting / Sunny
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • rainy
Heavy Rains

Issue history