Issue report


Reported by:
Meredith Diskin

About this Location

Montlamar Creek : Montlamar Creek at Dauphin Ave

Montlamar Creek, just north of Dauphin Island, is a concrete channelized creek.
0 Observations
1 Issues


There is a large amount of muddy water entering montlimar creek caused by construction at crowne health care of springhill. red clay is leaving the construction site and flowing into montlimar creek and dauphin street in front of metzger's.


Current weather What's this?
  • rainy
Slight rain ongoing
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • rainy
Heavy rain in the past 12 hours

Issue history

  • 2019-08-26 - 15:05:00

    Pollution reported to Mobile Baykeeper : Mobile Baykeeper Team by Meredith Diskin.

  • 2019-08-27 - 15:25:00

    Meredith Diskin is currently investigating this issue.

    Mobile Baykeeper investigated this issue on 8/26/19. Turbidity samples were collected north of Dauphin Ave and just north of where Montlimar Creek runs into the creek exiting the golf course. The sample showed a turbidity level of 152NTU. Some very muddy runoff was observed coming from the construction of the Crowne Health Care site and running into Dauphin Ave just in front of Metzger's. There was a very large amount of red clay on the sidewalk and in the street in front of Metzger's. This issue will be reported to the City of Mobile and ADEM for follow-up and we will continue monitoring before, during and after heavy rain.

  • 2019-09-19 - 16:38:00 Cade Kistler commented

    We recieved another report from a citizen of serious construction stormwater pollution at the site.