Issue report


Ontario, Canada

Reported by:
Doreen Watson-Donald

About this Location

Mississippi Lake : Big Lake

Largest area of water on Mississippi Lake. Moving water.
0 Observations
1 Issues
Observation of large plume of algae - suspected to be blue-green. algae is throughout the big lake and has migrated up the channel toward long view island. in some areas, especially near shoreline and weedy areas, the bloom is quite noticeable, but in the open areas of water it is less visible, but still there. it has no mass yet and is suspended in the water column. no smell present. health unit has been notified and they are conducting testing to determine if it is blue-green algae.

Hotter than average summer, low water level conditions

Have you seen this before?

Last seen on the Lake in 2015. Was a small bloom and was visible only for a few days.

Have you notified any other agencies?

MLA and MVCA and Health Unit

Issue history

  • 2018-09-16 - 14:03:00

    Algae reported to Water Rangers : Guardians by Doreen Watson-Donald.

  • 2018-09-18 - 14:08:00

    Doreen Watson-Donald is currently investigating this issue.

    Reported to MLA Board of Directors

  • 2018-09-20 - 11:03:00 Doreen Watson-Donald commented

    The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit has confirmed blue-green algae in Mississippi Lake. Testing took place in the vicinity of Cookes Shore, in Drummond North Elmsley. The results show levels above the Ontario drinking water standard and slightly below the recreational water standard. The toxin associated with blue-green algae was present at levels of 19 ppb.