Forest Pool between 21st and 22nd St

Wagg Creek

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

--Location retired--

This section of the stream is bordered on the west side by a pedestrian footpath with a daycare. On the east side, there is a ravine slope leading up to the Driftwood Housing Co-op, under construction for past 2 years, completion June 2021; riparian area was replanted by co-op last fall. Good canopy of trees including invasive bamboo and deep pools, the most stable (natural) pools observed in the park. Last week found mayflies, a (dead) caddisfly, scuds and aquatic worms.

Location created by
Carolynne Robertson

Latest photos

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Wetted width about 1/3 of bankfull width

10 Aug 18:45 by Carolynne Robertson

Some trash - 3-5 pieces of litter.
The channel is quite dry.
Saw water striders.

28 Jul 15:27 by Carolynne Robertson

Stream bed is about 3-4 metres wide; wetted width about 1-1.5 metres.

01 Jul 09:20 by Carolynne Robertson