Near the stream that comes from Lac Girard

Lac McGlashan

Val Des Monts, Quebec, Canada

Location created by
Kat Kavanagh

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Lac McGlashan : Near the stream that comes from Lac Girard

Observed on

Sunny/cloudy mix today with a light wind. Water was calm. Cold temperatures still at about the sa...

Lac McGlashan : Near the stream that comes from Lac Girard

Observed on

A brisk, clear, and windless afternoon on the lake. The first frost happened this morning. Plenty...

Lac McGlashan : Near the stream that comes from Lac Girard

Observed on

A calm and cool day. Water is very clear today. Plenty of small pumpkinseed and bluegill.

Lac McGlashan : Near the stream that comes from Lac Girard

Observed on

Windy. Lower humidity. A few clouds but mostly sunny.

Lac McGlashan : Near the stream that comes from Lac Girard

Observed on

The surface of the water was covered in a thin layer of pollen. We observed and heard a green fro...

Lac McGlashan : Near the stream that comes from Lac Girard

Observed on

Tested right off a dock next the the stream that comes from Lac Girard.